One of last night’s Game Of Thrones casualties was not your average extra

One of last night’s Game Of Thrones casualties was not your average extra

[This post contains plot details about last night’s Game Of Thrones, so don’t read it if you don’t want to know anything about the episode. The headline is also descriptive, granted, but someone dies in nearly every episode, so we don’t feel too bad about that one.]

Game Of Thrones is known for two things: Its high body count and its passionate fan base. (And dragons. Make that three things. Oh, and nudity. Four.) On last night’s episode, “No One,” those two things came together in an appropriately bloody way, as Canadian comedian Steve Love’s cameo on the show was cut off (literally) by the business end of The Hound’s axe.

Love’s made a name for himself online doing remarkably accurate Game Of Thrones impressions, and his Jon Snow impression even got the nod from Kit Harington himself on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last summer:

Apparently, the show’s producers found Love’s impressions even more amusing than Harington did, and they contacted him after his Kimmel appearance to ask him if he wanted to be on the show. He said yes, of course. And, like any true fan would, he requested an extra gruesome death: “I don’t know what your plan is for me, but it would really mean a lot to me if you gave me one of those trademark gruesome death scenes,” Love recalls asking producers in an interview with Ottawa’s CTV News.

And that’s what he got, as the first of the Brotherhood Without Banners to die after The Hound catches up with them in the woods (his actual decapitation takes place 11 minutes and 50 seconds into the episode). At least he died knowing how not to kiss.

[via Uproxx]

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