One of President Biden's first orders of business: Following Chrissy Teigen on Twitter

One of President Biden's first orders of business: Following Chrissy Teigen on Twitter
Photo: Chip Somodevilla

President Trump Biden (sorry, we’re still adjusting to that) has only been in office less than a full working day, but already he’s signed a flurry of executive orders seeking to reverse at least some of the incalculable damage inflicted on this country over the past four years. From rejoining the Paris Climate Accords to mandatory social distancing on federal property to halting the U.S.-Mexico border wall construction, the 46th Commander-in-Chief seems pretty dedicated to making sure his predecessor’s most egregious sins are rectified. Of course, all these revisions pale in comparison to his most solemn and dramatic move so far: following Chrissy Teigen, a public enemy of the man who previously held the account, via the official POTUS Twitter.

“OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!” tweeted Teigen last night, surely from a place of genuine surprise that was not at all premeditated in communication with both White House and Hollywood PR reps. “I should prob never tweet again,” she jokingly added. Teigen finds herself currently among only the small handful of follows from @POTUS, the rest of whom are in some way affiliated with Biden and/or the U.S. government.

A new day is dawning in America: A day led by a president who’s cool with a few naughty words. Well, we all know the last president was cool with those words, too, but this definitely feels a lot less awful, if still a bit calculated. If nothing else, Teigen already seems to be using her newfound direct line to the president for good:

Oh, while we’re on the subject of Twitter re-follows: Ms. Teigen, would you please be so kind as to pay it forward and grant your own clemency to this well-meaning young man?

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