Onion News Network debuts "Future: News From the Year 2137"

We just take it as a given that most A.V. Club readers know our sister site The Onion and its Onion News Network branch are doing consistently awesome work on a regular basis. But every once in a while a project comes along that deserves some extra attention. Thus we direct your attention to the Onion News Network project "Future: News From The Year 2137," a broadcast from the world to come that debuts on iTunes today for the low price of $1.99. It's a peek into humanity's shared future so important it's already attracted the attention of the New York Times, Huffington Post, and iO9. It also has iTunes user "Zilver" raving, accurately, "so much is going on in every single frame, I will probably have to watch it 10 times to really swallow all of the content." Here's a trailer. Enjoy.

Future: News From The Year 2137 Trailer

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