O'Reilly vs. Obama cage match tonight

O'Reilly vs. Obama cage match tonight

According to Variety, Barack Obama will appear on Bill O'Reilly's Big Stupid Show Where He Yells At Everybody And Tells Half-Truths And Egregious Lies [it's actually called The O'Reilly Factor—ed.] Thursday night, leading up to the big hoo-ha in Minnesota. This after a months-long "freezeout" by Obama of the "news" network that described his "terrorist fist-jab" and referred to his "baby mama." Oh, and had a guest wish him dead. (See YouTube videos below.) Should be interesting. How long 'til O'Reilly says "you people"? And would punching Bill O'Reilly in the face result in a net gain or net loss of votes for Obama? (Not advocating a punch, just wondering.)

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