Over 3,300 hours of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson now available online

Some 3,300 hours of Johnny Carson’s reign on The Tonight Show has been digitally transferred and made available at JohnnyCarson.com, which has just opened up a searchable content database for industry types looking to license the perfect Carson clip for their period piece. For everyone else, you can watch a few remastered highlights like a 1980 appearance from Steve Martin, a 1974 interview with The Jackson Five, Albert Brooks doing a comedy routine with a Speak & Spell, or that one Burt Reynolds interview with the whipped cream. The restoration of the clips—which had spent the last couple of decades in storage at a Kansas salt mine, guarded by a shotgun-toting Walter Brennan and his faithful hound dog, if only in our fantasies—precedes a planned set of new Carson DVD collections. [THR]

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