Ozzy Osbourne is pretty sure nobody wants another Black Sabbath album

In September of 2014, Black Sabbath announced that it was planning to record a new album and go on one final tour before officially calling it quits. However, earlier this year, the band decided to skip the album and jump straight to the tour, which has been dramatically dubbed “The End.” Recently, Ozzy Osbourne spoke with news.com.au about why Black Sabbath decided to make that change, and his reasoning is pretty solid. “People aren’t really interested in hearing new stuff,” he said, which is a realization that every rock band should probably come to eventually. He also explained that if they recorded an album before going on tour, it would end up pushing the tour back by another “three or four years.”

Black Sabbath will be coming to an end soon, but that doesn’t mean Osbourne himself is retiring. He’s planning to do another solo album and solo tour, reasoning that his wife is “a shop-a-holic” who is always “buying fucking shoes or something” so he has to “keep the money coming somehow.” Keep that in mind while watching the TV show he’s doing with the History Channel.

[via Rolling Stone]

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