Ozzy Osbourne to apologize to Texas for peeing on the Alamo monument

Ozzy Osbourne recently shared the news that he’s taking a break from being retired to hit the road with his son Jack for the History Channel. The former Black Sabbath frontman has promised viewers “history with an Osbourne slant,” which could refer to a programming niche, or the view from the bar on which he’s rested his head. The Osbourne men are visiting such important historical sites as Stonehenge, Bletchley Park (to see the Turing machine), and Mount Rushmore, where the military once stored Minutemen missiles. They’ll also visit Texas so the elder Osbourne can make amends for having peed on the Alamo monument 33 years ago.

In 1982, Osbourne sailed the ocean blue to stumble drunkenly around San Antonio and pee on the Alamo Cenotaph. He was arrested for public urination and intoxication, and subsequently banned by the city council from returning. Osbourne previously tried to make nice by making a donation to the organization that maintains the Alamo; now he’ll issue a formal apology to the Lone Star State in an episode of his as-yet-untitled show. The peeing incident occurred just a month after Osbourne bit the head off a bat at a concert, but there’s currently no word on whether he’ll apologize to those winged mammals.

[h/t Entertainment Weekly]

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