Pacemaker pays tribute to its heroes on “Pryor Creek”

By this point, Matt Frank has proven himself to be an otherworldly guitarist. Having written dazzling riffs for the likes of Their / They’re There, Lifted Bells, Recreational Drugs, and Loose Lips Sink Ships, Frank has more than proven his mettle. But now he’s started Pacemaker, another solo project that sees Frank playing all the instruments and paying tribute to the bands that inspired him in his formative years. Broken World Media will release Pacemaker’s debut EP on February 3, but The A.V. Club is premiering “Pryor Creek” ahead of the album’s release.

Frank states that “Pryor Creek” was inspired by “a near death experience that involves a wasp and a semi-truck in Oklahoma while on tour with Loose Lips Sink Ships.” While that makes the song sound like an opportunity to go dark, this is ebullient pop at its very best. Following an intro that’s straight-up “Game Of Pricks” worship, the song laces Frank’s frenetic fretwork with the kind of gooey pop melodies that call for hearty sing-alongs and impassioned air guitaring.

Pre-orders are available now through Broken World Media, and Pacemaker will celebrate the release of the EP on February 17 at the Burlington in Chicago.

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