Pam Anderson-Kid Rock marriage latest victim of Borat

When news broke that the three-month union between Pam Anderson and Kid Rock was no more it was the second most least surprising break-up in history. But The New York Post's Page 6 has a rather odd catalyst for the dissolution of marriage: Apparently Kid had a problem with Pam's appearance in Borat. The rocker/professional douchebag went into a rage during a private screening of the film. A "friend" tells Page 6:

"Bob started screaming at Pam, saying she had humiliated herself and telling her, 'You're nothing but a whore! You're a slut! How could you do that movie?' – in front of everyone. It was very embarrassing. Pam thought he could have a sense of humor about the movie. She was in on the gag from the very beginning and loved doing the movie. And on the eve of what was supposed to be a very positive thing, he made it an awful night. Ever since that night, it has been icicles between them."

In Kid Rock's defense, it is tough when people ogle your wife. It's not like there are thousands of sexy Pamela Anderson pictures out there.

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