Pamela Anderson says she’s fighting for Julian Assange and other accused rapists

Pamela Anderson has never been a stranger to throwing her celebrity behind various public causes. Some of those bouts of advocacy have prompted fewer eye rolls than others—like her work for the National Sexual Violence Research Center, in contrast, to, say, PETA, which she memorably stripped down for several years ago as part of a campaign protesting the wearing of fur.

Now, the actress and model is stumping for a new group: her friend Julian Assange, and other men that she says have been falsely accused of sexual assault. Anderson has been a long-time supporter of the WikiLeaks founder, despite allegations that their friendship is simply a pretext for the delivery of sandwich-based assassination attempts. Now, she says she wants to campaign against the “bullying” of men like Assange, who was accused of having unprotected sex with a sleeping woman in Sweden back in 2010. Since then, Assange has lived in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, from which he’s waged an ongoing back-and-forth with Swedish prosecutors, as well as WikiLeaks’ daily goal of supposedly nonpartisan transparency and the inciting of bizarre, pizza-based conspiracy theories.

According to Jezebel, Anderson—herself a survivor of sexual assault—has said that she wants to start speaking out for the unsung victims of rape: the men accused of committing it. She specifically cited “These very progressive laws against sexual crimes, whatever you want to call it. It’s almost too progressive, it’s almost paralyzing. I’m going to actually start campaigning for men who have been victims of being accused of rape when they haven’t actually done anything.” Anderson also said that she’s convinced Assange is innocent, which is nice, because you don’t want to go around loudly advocating for accused rapists who you haven’t personally confirmed—through the magic of “feelings”—didn’t actually commit the crime.

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