Papa Roach thinks Donald Trump's new catchphrase could make a good Papa Roach song

Papa Roach thinks Donald Trump's new catchphrase could make a good Papa Roach song
Photo: Papa Roach (Burak Cingi/Getty Images); Donald Trump (Mark Wilson/Getty Images

On Saturday, in the midst of what must have been a particularly ferocious bowel movement, Donald Trump went on a long, racist diatribe about congressman Elijah Cummings and his district in Baltimore and all the usual bullshit you’ve come to just tune out. Since then, plenty of Baltimoreans have provided thoughtful responses to Trump’s rantings, from The Baltimore Sun to John Waters to, of course, The Wire creator David Simon.

Someone you might have not expected to score a put-back dunk on the All-Beef President, however, was none other than nu-metal legends Papa Roach. Staying out of mid-Atlantic politics, Papa Roach instead cast new light on Trump’s latest catchphrase, which will now be stuck in your head for the rest of the afternoon.

As you may recall, this is not the first time, somehow, that Papa Roach has taken the opportunity to clown a GOP figurehead in the last few years. The band previously used the stymied attempt to repeal Obamacare to mock Paul Ryan, and later offered him a job as a roadie when he announced his would not be seeking reelection to the house. When they’re not doing good politics tweets, the band has been touring and releasing new music. Papa Roach put out a new album and single last fall, which we described as “actually pretty chipper.”

Cheers to Papa Roach, jeers to our racist turd of a president.

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