Paramount jumps on the micro-budget bandwagon

In the wake of its success distributing the super-cheap horror movie Paranormal Activity, Paramount Pictures announced last year a plan to finance their own "micro-budget" movies, in hopes of discovering new talent and maybe coming up with a potential hit for a minimal investment. Now, indieWIRE is reporting that the project has a name: "Insurge." According to the article, Paramount Insurge will be funding 10 movies for $100,000 each, in a variety of genres (including animation). Given that the major studios—Paramount included—have recently be retreating from their lower-budget "specialty divisions," this new initiative is intriguing. Will this be the big break that some youngsters need? Or just a way to get hungry filmmakers to pump out sub-TV-quality shlock? We anxiously await the insurgence, so we can find out.

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