Paramount releases five quick glimpses of its Ghost In The Shell

After months of casting notices, screenshots, and online speculation, Paramount has finally released the first footage for its upcoming sci-fi thriller Ghost In The Shell. The studio released five ten-second teasers tonight, revealing brief, enigmatic snippets of the film’s anime-adapted world.

The first clip centers on a woman in a high-tech variant of Japanese ceremonial robes; the second, a shot of another with wires seemingly connected to her spine. In the third, we get our first glimpse at Scarlett Johansson’s character, the Major, in the flesh, as she gently caresses a woman who may or may not be blind.

In the fourth, Beat Takeshi glowers as he fires a gun. And in the fifth, and longest, clip, a similarly armed (and nervous) Major comes across a strange gathering of robed men. There’s no clear idea what’s going on here, but the clips make it apparent that director Rupert Sanders (Snow White & The Huntsman) is looking to slip a welcome amount of trippy imagery into his cybernetic dystopia. Ghost In The Shell is currently set for a March 31, 2017 release.

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