Paris Hilton looking for friendship in the Muslim world

Continuing a quest as elusive as Bret Michaels’ repeated efforts to find a nice girl to settle with, Paris Hilton will be searching for a new and suitably worshipful best friend in Dubai, a locale renowned for the sort of nouveau riche excess that even Hilton might find a bit gauche. Not long after the first season of her MTV reality show Paris Hilton’s My New BFF ended, Hilton and the winner, Brittany Flickinger, had a falling out, and the second season—which started airing earlier this week—will result in another BFF for her to throw under the bus later in the summer. The decision to shoot the third season in the United Arab Emirates promises the kind of fruitful and enlightening cultural exchange that President Obama talked about in Cairo on Thursday. Half the women competing will be from the Middle East, and half transplants from other locales. According to all parties involved, cultural sensitivities will be respected.

Yeah, good luck with that.

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