Party Down creators developing new, similar show Temps

Here we dispense with the obligatory lament that Party Down is still really and truly dead before telling you the good news: The creators of that beloved series—Rob Thomas, Jon Enbom, and Dan Etheridge—have just sold the new pilot Temps, which follows the thematically similar premise of a bunch of recent college grads who are forced to take on various demeaning office temp jobs to get by. It’s probably no surprise that the show found a home at NBC, given its recent efforts to become television’s premier source of workplace comedies, and most promisingly, Temps will reunite Thomas, Enbom, and Etheridge with executive producers Jennifer Gwartz and Danielle Stokdyk, both of whom also worked on Party Down and Veronica Mars. So see? When TV closes a pay-cable door, it opens a network window. There’s obviously not much more information to go on at the moment, but you can probably bet on Ken Marino showing up at some point.

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