Patton Oswalt pitches his sequels to Unbreakable

Patton Oswalt pitches his sequels to Unbreakable

Patton Oswalt made waves when, in character, he proposed the craziest multiversal crossover film series on an episode of Parks And Recreation. But while that was a ridiculous logorrhea of nerd touchstones and absurd fanboy wishes, he actually has serious ideas for two (!) sequels to M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable. The film has already received a bit more recognition and favorable nostalgia (perhaps due in part to the director’s later output), but Oswalt thinks that there’s still lots of potential to mine from the 2000 film.

Speaking with Screen Junkies’ Hal Rudnick, Oswalt lays out how the original film lay the seeds for further adventures in that world (an idea seemingly shared by Shyamalan and the cast as well). It’s an interesting take that turns the original into the beginning of a trilogy about the rise, fall, and resurrection of a hero as well as the development of its own class of supervillains (shades of The Dark Knight’s escalation themes). Screen Junkies then uses footage and audio from Unbreakable as well as other Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis features to cull together a mock trailer for these proposed new entries in the saga. Of course, should the films ever get made, the question would be which Bruce Willis shows up — the one engaged by directors like Wes Anderson and Rian Johnson or the one who smirks his way lifelessly through another unfortunate Die Hard sequel? Even if it’s not Oswalt’s vision that makes it to the screen, it still would be interesting to revisit one of the underrated gems in a complicated artist’s filmography.

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