Patty Jenkins is working on a story for Wonder Woman 2

Variety confirms what we’ve all been expecting, given the ongoing success of Warner Bros.’ Wonder Woman in theaters: Director Patty Jenkins is working on a treatment for the movie’s sequel. Although details on the expected contents of the script are being kept tightly under wraps, Jenkins is apparently working on it with DC bigwig Geoff Johns, who also chimed in on the story for the first film. “Patty and I are writing the treatment right now,” Johns said in a recent interview. “The goal is to make another great Wonder Woman film.”

But while this might seem like a big, flashing arrow pointing to “Patty Jenkins will definitely direct Wonder Woman 2,” there’s still nothing official, contract-wise, happening in that direction. Star Gal Gadot is contracted for a sequel to the original movie—which has already crested the $500 million box office mark—but Jenkins has yet to be formally attached. The cynical read on the situation would be that Warner Bros. isn’t sure if it wants her back, given all the untested dude directors out there, clamoring for their big shot. It seems more likely, though, that Jenkins simply knows how high her stock is riding right now, and how bad her employers will get blasted if they try to hire anybody else for the job, and is making sure the studio financially acknowledges how valuable she’s become to its superhero franchise.

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