Paul McCartney big fan of Paul McCartney music in trailer for Hulu's McCartney 3, 2, 1

The new docuseries sees producer Rick Rubin interviewing the formal Beatle about his long and stories career

Paul McCartney big fan of Paul McCartney music in trailer for Hulu's McCartney 3, 2, 1
Rick Rubin and Paul McCartney in McCartney 3, 2, 1 Photo: Hulu

Is there a discography in all of music history more discussed, documented, and dissected than that of the Beatles? Probably not, but Hulu’s new docu-series McCartney 3, 2, 1 is still hoping to mine a little extra material out of that thoroughly depleted shaft, by approaching it from a somewhat fresh angle: Getting Paul McCartney himself to do the heavy lifting on all that historical analysis for once.

That being said, the major takeaway from the first trailer for the six-episode show isn’t precisely revelatory, since it largely consists of footage of McCartney listening to his own music, singing along, and then noting that, yes, The Beatles and Wings were pretty good. That’s not to say that there’s nothing new to be discovered here, especially as producer Rick Rubin (taking the role of tour guide through this guided tour of the inner depths of Paul) plays him old tapes, interviews him about the early days of his career, and even reads him an interview excerpt from John Lennon, praising his old friend as one of the greatest bass players of all time.

Still, it’s hard to see whether there’s anything here that’s going to spark much interest for people who do not have a base appreciation for Paul McCartney genially smiling about the topic of himself. Tragically, the trailer omits any discussion of any popular McCartney-based conspiracy theories you might be interested in, or sequences in which mental trapmaster Rick Rubin baits “Paul McCartney” into admitting to a decades-long cover-up of any kind. On the other hand, they do both seem to agree that “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” is good, so, hey, there you go.

McCartney 3, 2, 1 is set to debut on Hulu on July 16. The series is directed by Zachary Heinzerling.

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