Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt have reportedly both signed on for that Mad About You revival

Mad About You is one of those shows that’s had its edges flattened out by time, disappearing in the public consciousness into a general Must See TV mish-mash of ’90s NBC sitcom soup. Fans of the show know that there was something legitimately special in the chemistry between stars Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt, though, an energy and rapport that made their depiction of a young couple navigating the pitfalls of married life resonate with viewers. With any luck, that connection is still intact, because Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Reiser and Hunt have both apparently signed contracts to participate in that potential revival of the show, the latest in modern TV’s endless need for ’90s reinvention.

Reiser and Hunt—who apparently still get lunch together at least once a month, which is adorable—have expressed some reticence about returning to the show in the past, with Reiser even noting that the writers intentionally structured the series’ time-hopping finale to make such a prospect less appealing. But, hey, if Roseanne and Will & Grace can both un-do their finales, anything’s apparently fair game. According to EW, the series’ original creator, Danny Jacobson, is also on board to return.

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