Paul Reubens doesn’t make monkeys—but he might make a new Pee-wee Herman movie in February

Paul Reubens doesn’t make monkeys—but he might make a new Pee-wee Herman movie in February

A Judd Apatow-produced Pee-wee Herman movie has been teased for more than four years—a film that still doesn’t officially have a name, so there’s nothing for all the murmurs and rumors to wear out. Last week, Reubens added to the more than 217 bits and pieces of information (evidence!) pertaining to the film, telling Rolling Stone that an announcement is “imminent”—so imminent, in fact, he told the Nerdist podcast that a director has been chosen and a start date (March 2015) has been set.

But according to Reubens’ appearance on The Tonight Show last night, we may be closer (and closer still) to a new Pee-wee movie. Ushering his most famous creation into the 21st century by seizing on 2014’s hottest cinematic trend—Announcements!—Reubens told Jimmy Fallon that filming begins in February, with more concrete details merely “a week away.” But given the way that timeline keeps accelerating, it’s entirely possible that the film will have already been fiilmed, cut, and printed by the time the announcement is made.

So who’s the unnamed director Reubens keeps alluding to? Why start in February? What’s the significance? We don’t know! Are we beginning to repeat ourselves? Definitely, but what else are we going to do? Quote Big Top Pee-wee instead? When you’ve gone over something again and again and again, certain questions get answered, others spring up. The mind plays tricks on you—you play tricks back. It’s like you’re unraveling a big, cable-knit sweater of entertainment news, that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting…

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