Paul Thomas Anderson shot a Radiohead video, but you weren’t supposed to know that

Beloved rascal Paul Thomas Anderson, whose recent escapades have included filming a documentary in secret and signing on to write a live-action Pinocchio movie for Robert Downey, Jr., has reportedly been foiled in his latest shenanigan, He would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those pesky rebranded mommy bloggers and their podcasts.

According to The Playlist, a since-pulled episode of For Crying Out Loud had Stefanie Wilder-Taylor—author of Sippy Cups Are Not For Chardonnay and Naptime Is The New Happy Hour, eventual recovering alcoholic, and living reminder of a very creepy period in upper-middle-class American mores—revealing that her house had been used by Anderson to shoot part of a new Radiohead music video.

Given Anderson’s longstanding creative relationship with Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood, this isn’t that much of a surprise: The guitarist/composer has scored all of Anderson’s films since There Will Be Blood, and the aforementioned documentary, Junun, was filmed at recording sessions that included Greenwood and were overseen by longtime Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich.

Radiohead announced a world tour last month, and it’s widely assumed that the notoriously secretive band will be releasing a new album this year. Presumably, the video will accompany the first single. It will probably look really nice.

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