Pawnee calls for aid with the Parks And Rings mashup Tumblr

Nobody tell Ben Wyatt, but the reels of The Massive Tumblr Mashup Slot Machine have finally come up with Parks And Rings, combining NBC’s beloved, recently ended sitcom Parks And Recreation and Peter Jackson’s questionable “interpretation” of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings. And while the blog is already overflowing with images pairing together Legolas’ blond-haired perfection with his natural Pawnee counterpart, Leslie Knope, there’s still plenty of conceptual space for Tumblr’s dedicated Meme Miners to dig out. For instance, how do the Rohirrim feel about Li’l Sebastian? Do the beacons of Gondor burn like 5,000 candles in the wind? Can we ever have enough pictures of Ron Swanson’s dialogue coming out of the mouths of grumpy-faced dwarves? It’s an exciting time we live in, here in the Fourth Age of Municipal Government.

[via Boing Boing]

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