Peabody Awards announced: Many AVC favorites (and friends) included

The George Foster Peabody Awards—administered by The University Of Georgia's journalism school, and intended to recognize the best of the best of broadcast media—have announced their honorees for the past year's worth of television, radio and internet programming. Among the more noteworthy winners are NBC and Zhang Yimou's stunning Olympics opening ceremony ("an exponential magnification of what was once known in television as a 'spectacular'"), This American Life's collaboration with NPR news on an inquiry into our economic meltdown ("impressive for the arresting clarity of its explanation of the financial crisis we're in, and even more so for its having aired so early – May 2008"), ABC's medical reality series Hopkins ("human drama of open-heart intensity"), Saturday Night Live's political sketches ("stole the election-year thunder from its satirical competition on cable and may have swayed the race itself"), HBO's John Adams miniseries ("the American Revolution was made flesh and blood"), the indie doc King Corn ("raising questions about everything from crop subsidies to animal cruelty to our obesity epidemic"), AMC's Breaking Bad ("bleak, harrowing, sometimes improbably funny"), ABC's Lost ("breezily mixing metaphysics, quantum physics, romance and cliffhanger action"), the very existence of Turner Classic Movies ("no other in the cable spectrum has stayed truer to its original mission"), and—something for which we're very, very proud—our sister site's Onion News Network ("hilarious, trenchant and not infrequently hard to distinguish from the real thing").

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work

That's good company to be in.

Hat tip: TV Barn

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