People are already drawing fan art of the new Batgirl costume

DC released images of a pretty awesome new costume for Batgirl last week, designed by writer Cameron Stewart and artist Babs Tarr. The costume, which somehow manages the trick of being stylish and cool without indulging in cheesecake sexualization—the note on the design document that aggressively points out that the top is a leather jacket, and not spandex definitely helps there—has already caught on with fan artists, who have flooded online art sites with their own takes on Batgirl’s new duds months before the costume will appear in the actual comics. Dorkly has put together a gallery of some of the best of these pics, and it’s well worth checking out if you’re a fan of the new costume. We've included a few of our favorites here, by artists Randy Bishop and webcomic author Sam Logan, whose drawing emphasizes the potentially life-saving benefits of having a snap-off cape.

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