Petition demands Australia change its money to a Simpsons reference

Tapping into the sort of economic ingenuity usually found only in high-level financial think tanks or on every single page of this web site, a brave Australian citizen has proposed that his country’s currency be changed to a Simpsons reference in order to revive its flagging strength.

“We need something to stimulate the Australian economy and that something is changing the name of the Australian currency to ‘Dollarydoos’,” reads a petition currently making the rounds on, asking that the Australian dollar be transformed into a nod to the classic sixth season episode “Bart Vs. Australia.” Written by Thomas Probst—who is definitely an actual Australian citizen and not someone from our comments section running a Bart-like prank on the entire country—the petition calls on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (who the petition misidentifies as Shadow Minister for Communications & Broadband) to enact the potentially economy-saving reform.

If the 15,000 signatories on the petition get their way and Australians adopt the dollarydoo, it could set a precedent for The Simpsons intruding even more into what we’re forced to think of as the “real” Australian world. Knifey-spooney could become the national game, while bullfrogs would be known as chazzwazzers. People who embarrass the national government, meanwhile—possibly by writing and publicizing a petition to turn their money into a joke from a TV show that semi-viciously lampooned their nation—will be dealt with via giant boot. If nothing else, it would keep the tourism dollarydoos flowing in.

[via The Daily Dot]

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