Petition launched to name the Paul's Boutique corner in New York after the Beastie Boys

A petition has been launched to name a street corner in New York after the Beastie Boys. Brooklyn resident LeRoy McCarthy—who, earlier this year, was unsuccessful in getting a street corner in Brooklyn named after the Notorious B.I.G.—is petitioning the city to have the Lower East Side corner of Ludlow and Rivington renamed “Beastie Boys Square.” That corner was prominently featured on the cover of the Boys’ Paul’s Boutique, and was the site of an impromptu memorial after the death of group member Adam Yauch.

The petition will first have to pass New York’s Community Board 3. If that group decides the Beastie Boys have either done “extensive community service,” or it decides to allow for the trio’s “exceptional and highly acclaimed accomplishment or involvement,” then the decision would then be pushed on to New York’s City Council.

This move is part of McCarthy’s broader attempt to have a street named after a hip-hop group or artist in every borough. In 2009, an intersection in Queens was named “Run-DMC JMJ Way,” and McCarthy is currently looking into having an area of Staten Island’s Park Hill neighborhood after the Wu-Tang Clan.

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