Philip Seymour Hoffman was supposed to guest star on Louie

Finally dovetailing your lingering sadness over the loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman with the black cloud lingering over this season of Louie, we now know that Hoffman’s death also robbed us of seeing him do a guest-starring role on the sitcom. That information comes from Jeremy Renner, who spoke to Yahoo in advance of his own Louie appearance on June 9, and revealed that the episode was also supposed to feature Hoffman.  “I play a real character in Louie’s life,” Renner says. “Phil [Seymour] Hoffman was supposed to be in it, too. It’s about young Louie, so he isn’t even acting in it—he’s just directing it. Yeah, then Phil unfortunately passed, but I guess they were able to pull the episode together.” So, while you’re watching Jeremy Renner take part in whatever surreal, presumably depressing events in a young Louis C.K.’s life next week, remember to also reserve some melancholy for mourning Hoffman, all over again.

[via The Playlist]

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