Pierce Brosnan wants to sell drugs (in a movie)

Pierce Brosnan is clearly on a mission to deal with all of America’s most hot-button issues. First he signs on to star in a movie where he deals with an evil IT consultant. Next, he’ll star in a film about the tendency of young Americans to make bad decisions regarding drugs while on vacation. (Presumably, Pierce Brosnan chooses movies the old-fashioned way: by flipping through an ancient issue of Newsweek.)

Deadline reports that Brosnan will star in Urge, a thriller about friends on a holiday trip to an island destination who “take part in a new designer drug that makes them lose their ability to control their urges.” So, a movie about becoming Kanye West, basically.

Urge will feature Brosnan as the creator and supplier of said drug to an undoubtedly young and attractive assemblage of tourists. This will mark the directorial debut of Aaron Kaufman, who’s previously only worked on feature films as a producer. Still, there is surely no reason to doubt his eye for quality: This is the man who produced Spread, where Ashton Kutcher realizes sex with rich women sucks, and Machete Kills, where Robert Rodriguez realized he had all these leftover props from Machete. Kaufman co-wrote the script with Jason Zumwalt and Permanent Midnight author Jerry Stahl. Urge begins shooting next month in New York.

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