Piers Morgan can’t stop getting owned by J.K. Rowling

The ongoing Twitter feud between bestselling author J.K. Rowling and TV personality Piers Morgan is the stuff of crack for those of us who like Rowling for her wit, dislike Morgan for his rampant pro-Trump drivel, and enjoy the asshole getting owned repeatedly. We wrote about the origins of the feud and a London bookstore tweeting the entirety of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone to Morgan bit by bit (it’s just finished chapter two; Morgan tweeted that it’s like being water-boarded). Today we bring you this update because it’s too delicious not to savor.

This is a screenshot of Morgan’s 2010 list of Britain’s top 100 British celebrities in The Daily Mail. He writes: “By encouraging children to read, feel inspired and be creative, she has had a greater impact on the world than most of the other names on it.” Morgan responded with this tweet:

He says he was playing along, but considering the context of his tweet, it just doesn’t seem like it.

Oh, and in another Morgan burn, his own son is a big Harry Potter fan—so much so that he has a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows symbol and tweeted about his fandom because he clearly does not give a fuck.

Morgan retweeted a photo of his son in front of Rowling’s Cursed Child play, expressing himself with lots of angry red-faced emoji.

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