Piper Perabo arrested yesterday for protesting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Actor Piper Perabo was one of more than 20 people arrested yesterday at Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. The Covert Affairs actor aligned herself with organizers of the Women’s March, and a video posted to Perabo’s Twitter account shows her and several other women being forcibly removed, with one officer telling a women that she’s “under arrest.” Kavanaugh is, among many other things, thought to be opposed to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that established abortion as a fundamental right.

“Many citizens before me have fought for the equal rights of women,” she wrote in the tweet. “I can’t be silent when someone is nominated to the Supreme Court who would take our equal rights away.”

Perabo’s current status is unknown, though she’s continued to tweet about the Kavanaugh hearing and other social justice issues since she announced the arrest.

Perabo’s group weren’t the only ones opposing the hearing. Several women clad in the signature dresses and bonnets of Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale stood silently outside the hearing room, and continue to do so today. If that sounds intense, consider the fact that our current president thinks protests should be illegal.

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