Players, developers continue to mourn Nintendo president Satoru Iwata

The recent death of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has sent thousands of players and developers to the internet to post heartfelt tributes and notes of mourning.

Although many loved Iwata for his work on a host of popular games including Super Smash Bros. and Kirby, it was his loyalty to his company and its customers that truly set him apart. He famously cut his own pay in half rather than lay off employees after a 2013 slump in profits.

“On my business card, I am a corporate president,” he said, during a speech in 2005, reported by The New Yorker. “In my mind, I am a game developer. But, in my heart, I am a gamer.”

Here are just a few of the many tweets honoring Iwata and his work:

@BullMoose in Salem has made such a beautiful shrine for the Nintendo President Saturo Iwata.

— ⭐️kat⭐️ (@KatDomenici) July 15, 2015

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