Please appreciate these good people explaining basic science to Tim Allen

Tim Allen, the Home Improvement actor determined to define his late career by putting the “tool” back in “Tool Time,” doesn’t understand evolution. That’s too bad on its own, considering it’s something most people need a cursory understanding of to graduate high school. But what makes the situation all the more tragic is when Allen uses a public platform to, like the apes we evolved from, proudly display his ass for everyone to see.

While it’s easy enough to leave Allen to himself, the good-hearted of Twitter (they exist!) have swarmed his declaration/statement to explain how human evolution happened and, definitely, 100 percent, totally and finally put this provocative question behind us once and for all.

More entertaining are replies making fun of the question itself:

And a personal favorite:

Whether any of this will get through to Tim Allen seems doubtful, especially considering the concentrated effort it must take to reach the age of 64 still misunderstanding the basics of evolution. Still, Twitter has done a good job correcting one of the most inexplicably pervasive myths about evolution, even if it missed a prime opportunity for a First Man Standing joke.

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