Please don't ruin Avengers: Infinity War for Leslie Jones

Leslie Jones uses her Twitter account as an endless source for infectious enthusiasm, like when she managed to make the Olympics seems really cool in 2016 despite the fact that NBC’s real commentators couldn’t seem to care less. Late last night, she finally got around to watching Avengers: Infinity War, and as you might expect if you remember what happened when she saw Captain America: Civil War, Jones got very into it:

She began live-tweeting the movie, foreshadowing that it was probably going to take a few days since so much was happening so fast and she kept getting surprised by new characters showing up:

As the movie went on, Jones got progressively more hyped up by awesome moments and noted that she wasn’t sure if the good guys were really going to be able to beat Thanos, an aside that had to give a bit of anxiety to anyone who has already seen the movie and knows how it ends.

Here’s the important part: Jones does not seem to know how Infinity War ends, and early this morning she had to pause the movie and go to bed. That means Leslie Jones, the woman who shouted “motherfucker YEAH” when bearded Captain America showed up, does not know what’s going to happen when Thanos gets all of the Infinity Stones. We as a society cannot rob her of that moment by spoiling it, so let’s all agree to just shut up about certain people fading to dust for at least the rest of the day. Got that, Ruffalo? She deserves to enjoy the damn movie, and we deserve to see what happens when she sees the ending.

While we wait for Jones to get back to it, at least we can appreciate this good tweet from Chris Evans:

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