Please enjoy a man's endless quest to guess paint colors during the mixing process

Please enjoy a man's endless quest to guess paint colors during the mixing process
Photo: Stewart Moersch/ EyeEm

Despite everything, there’s a lot of joy to be found in life if you’re willing to look for it. Take, for instance, Australian comedian Christian Hull—a guy who’s currently engaged in a never-ending quest to guess what color will result from videos of paint cans being mixed online.

In tweets from Vox’s Rebecca Jennings and on Hull’s TikTok, we see that he’s been devoting lots of his time toward this pursuit, chasing some kind of gambler’s high from trying to puzzle out the solution to many, many paint riddles.


#duet with @smittenkittensmittens WHY IS THIS SO FUN #guessthepaint

♬ Cooking – Oleg Kirilkov


#duet with @paintturner #guessthepaint multi tasking and guessing colours. This was not really a win but it was kinda a good guess?

♬ original sound –

Each video follows the same format. Hull records himself watching a clip of paint being mixed from beginning to end and frantically guesses what the final color will be. In one example, he sees jets of paint spray into a can, wincing at what could come from “all the primary colors” and performing invisible equations in his head before deciding “it’s going to be a really dark brown.” The can’s lid is hammered down and the whole thing is shaken. “Oh my god, please, please!” Hull shouts, visibly tensing before the reveal … which is a bright teal color. He laughs and yells “Get fucked!” The video ends.


#duet with @smittenkittensmittens MY NEW FAVOURITE GAME! guess the final paint colour

♬ Wii – Mii Channel – Super Guitar Bros

Even when he’s discussing other topics—like laughing in disbelief that he was interviewed about his videos for the BBC—Hull continues guessing paint colors as if the game has become an all-consuming addiction that he’s now helpless to stop. “I’ve literally been sitting in this same spot for the last four days,” Hull says in one of the videos. We’re inclined to believe him.


#duet with @paintturner how did these videos make it to the front page of reddit. LOL

♬ original sound –


#duet with @smittenkittensmittens this needs to be an app I can play. I’ve never had this much fun before! #guessthepaint

♬ Boccerinni Minuet – Classical Music

Clearly, there’s inspiration to be found here. If Hull can entertain himself and others by recording seemingly infinite videos of him guessing paint colors, surely we can find similar fun in the world around us by, say, taking bets on what kind of gross insects will be underneath damp logs before turning them over.

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