Please enjoy this catchy power-pop song about what a piece of shit Mike Cernovich is

It had seemed, for a brief moment, as though Mike Cernovich had pivoted away from far-right nationalism and conspiracy-fueled hate-mongering to pontificate on the blockchain. That all ended when the Twitter pundit and Pizzagate pusher loped back into headlines by successfully getting James Gunn fired from Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 via digging up offensive, 10-year old tweets. Sales of his snake oil brain pills must’ve dried up or something, because, yep, he’s back on his bullshit.

With that being the case, app developer/thorn in Cernovich’s side Nathan Bernard has, via his satirical Bernard Media outlet, released another very funny video chronicling the man’s many, many misdeeds. This time, he recruited musician Nick Lutsko, who you may know from his Alex-Jones-as-Bon-Iver track, and wrote an infectious power-pop tune about it. Accompanying the (quite catchy) song is an impressively thorough video, in which screenshots of Cernovich’s numerous misogynistic, racist, hate-filled tweets lend credence to the delightfully blue lyrics.

See it below.

The song hits all the salient points, from Cernovich’s rape charge to his “Gorilla Mindset” hokum to his penchant for labeling people pedophiles to his role in inspiring a gun-toting lunatic to personally “investigate” a family pizza parlor. There’s even a cameo from the equally disgusting Jack Posobiec, otherwise known as the guy who brought a “rape Melania” sign to a Trump protest. If there’s anybody in your life who somehow doesn’t sniff the scum radiating off these guys, consider this an entertaining means of educating them.

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