Please enjoy this video of some dude throwing Russian flags at the president

Today Donald Trump is fighting (spins enormous wheel) Republican Senator Bob Corker, hopping on the internet this morning to personally insult him over the course of several tweets just before the two meet today. The lunch-time sit-down with Republican senators will probably rustle up some more fodder for the Corker/Trump beef, as well as insights into just how fully the president intends to torpedo his own tax plan. Reporters were staked out for these tidbits when Donald Trump came ’round the corner with his old friend Mitch McConnell in order to—whoa, what the fuck, some dude is throwing Russian flags at him!

The Intercept reports that the protestor was Ryan Clayton, head of Americans Take Action, who has also instigated such subversive photo ops as getting a bunch of right-wingers to wave Russian flags at the Conservative Political Action Conference and getting violently accosted while singing throughout a James O’Keefe speech. This guy will not hesitate to sacrifice his body for a bit. He is also all in on the whole Russian-conspiracy-to-hijack-the-election thing, which is good, because apparently our government is too rife with bickering to even look into that on their own. Donald Trump will presumably have some tweets about all of this tomorrow morning, assuming he sees it on TV beforehand.

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