Plug your favorite song lyrics into this hand-washing PSA generator

Plug your favorite song lyrics into this hand-washing PSA generator


As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, thus wrecking your travel plans and endangering a city’s local economy, it’s become more important than ever to actually wash your hands before doing the weird Face/Off hand thing to other people. It’s been recommended that people wash their paws for at least 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday To You” two times. Since then, others have suggested a whole slew of other 20-second choruses to sing in its place, and now a new tool has arrived that lets you slot your favorite hand-washing tunes into a helpful PSA., reports Mashable, was created by a teenage developer in the U.K., who synced his tool with Genius. All you need to do is type in the song and artist and its lyrics will autofill on the poster—based on ones shared by the National Health Service—which you can then post online or hang in the office bathroom for your coworkers to roll their eyes at. And since the tool pulls from the massive repository that is Genius, you have pretty much any song at your fingertips.

If you’re feeling cute, the tool also lends itself to memes, though do note that The Simpsons’ Bill Oakley already beat you to a “Steamed Hams” reference.

One note moving forward, though: It was not meant to support Hopelandic (or, for that matter, Icelandic).


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