Poles out, motherfuckers: You're not ready for this trailer for Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour

Ahhh! Fishing! FUCK!

Listen up, dipshits, it’s time to get your head in the game and go fucking fishing. Oh, you think freshwater fishing is a calming, nice way to spend a day on the lake? That’s because you haven’t seen the trailer for Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour on the PS4.

This trailer, dug up by streamer @dannyodwyer, hits like a 40-pound rainbow trout to the side of the head, its “Black Skinhead” knock-off of a soundtrack turning the humble sport into an honest-to-god adventure. You’re wondering: Does this game feature at least 28 species of fish? Try 29. Will it have my favorite fishing brands? Jesus fucking Christ, next question. What about Scott Martin? Does this game feature world champion and 8-time tour champion Scott Martin? Uh, the game isn’t called Fishing Sim World: Amateur Tour, so yeah, no shit it does.

Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour is out now, and currently has a Metacritic score of 50% from a bunch of so-called critics who wouldn’t know a wax worm from a meal worm if it jumped on their hook. See you on the lake, noobs, and don’t you ever fucking forget: It’s Fishing Sim World’s world—you’re just living in it.

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