Pond: Rock Collection

Pond: Rock Collection

The Portland rock trio Pond has always played tight, melodic rock music, but how many groups do that? No, there's something special about this band, and it's not just that its songs are especially tight and medodic. It's that its songs are smart: The playing is at times remarkable, with guitar/bass/drums interplay that transcends the limitations of the ingredients without ever venturing into Rush territory. It also has a lot to do with the fact that Pond can write a song called "You're Not An Astronaut," then later include a song called "My Dog Is An Astronaut, Though"—and have the lyrics to each actually address space travel and dogs in outer space, respectively. The 16 songs and snippets on Rock Collection are nearly all anthems, making the album a brisk, consistent rush from start to finish, just like its two great predecessors. Bravo.

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