Pore over every available second of The Force Awakens with this trailer supercut

Pore over every available second of The Force Awakens with this trailer supercut

December 18 is less than two months away, but for some of us the wait for The Force Awakens has become an agonizingly slow death march to the Great Pit Of Carkoon. We’re stuck twitching nervously at our desks, desperate for official proof that Luke Skywalker physically appears in this movie (on the light side or the dark), scouring message boards for grainy photos of action-figure packaging, and waiting for Bothan spies to post all of the plot details and put us out of our misery once and for all.

While we don’t have the inside scoop on who Andy Serkis is really playing (please be Bossk), if that Starkiller thing is just a misdirect, or where the hell C-3PO is, ScreenSlam has helpfully stitched together the most recent trailer with both previous teasers.

Most impressively, it weaves not just the footage together, but manages to juggle the juxtaposing scores. While it’s not perfect (no sign of the robotic hand petting R2-D2 or Luke’s voice-over), it’s nearly four unbroken minutes of a new Star Wars movie that promises to be completely devoid of Jar Jar Binks.

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