Pornhub establishes scholarship fund, unleashing flood of “study hard” jokes

In what may either be a winking reference to one of its more popular subgenres or an earnest attempt to help offset the patently ridiculous cost of a college education in America today, The Washington Post reports that Pornhub has established a scholarship fund as part of its “Pornhub Cares” program. On a page as overripe with potential puns as a vaudeville comedy convention, the porn company says its employees “work hard” (that one speaks for itself) “to help make millions of people feel happy” (mostly at the end, amiright fellas?), and it wants to extend its reach(around) by offering a $25,000 scholarship to one “carefully selected recipient.”

So what is Pornhub looking for when it selects the student guaranteed to receive high-fives from every frat boy they meet? First, applicants must be 18 or older and a full-time student at an accredited post-secondary institution. Second, they must have at least a 3.2 GPA and submit official transcripts. Third, the ever-important “leadership abilities.” But the most important factors are an essay applicants must submit to Pornhub with the prompt, “How do you strive to make others happy?,” and a two-to-five minute video expounding upon the same.

Pornhub vice president Corey Price says, “This is not about you making a homemade porn and winning a scholarship,” emphasizing that sexually explicit videos “will not be seriously considered.” (They will be forwarded with the subject line “Summa cum loudly!,” presumably.) However, the company does say that “originality always scores bonus points,” and that nudity in the videos will not be a disqualifying factor. So be classy about it, kids.

The scholarship contest ends on October 31.

[h/t Jezebel]

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