Power to the people: The West Elm “Peggy” couch has disappeared

Never underestimate the power of the written word: Less than a week after writer Anna Hezel went off on West Elm’s “Peggy” couch for The Awl, it appears the disdained couch has been pulled from the company’s website. In Hezel’s essay, which we wrote about last week, she humorously described her attempts to fix her rapidly deteriorating $1,200 Peggy sofa, only to find many other fed-up consumers lambasting this particular couch.

This morning, Hezel tweeted:

So we went to the West Elm website, where we also could find no trace of the derided Peggy. Fortunately for anyone wanting to take advantage of West Elm’s Presidents Day sale today, the site still hosts a plethora of other mid-century-named sofas, like the Crosby, the Monroe, and the Esme.

These days, there are no small victories, and we’ll take them wherever we can find them. So congrats to Ms. Hezel. If public outcry can result in the ousting of a crappy couch, can a craptacular commander-in-chief be far behind?

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