Prancer, the "man-hating, animal-hating, children-hating" demon chihuahua has been adopted

Prancer, the "man-hating, animal-hating, children-hating" demon chihuahua has been adopted
A chihuahua that isn’t Prancer waiting in a car, yearning for its own viral internet fame. Photo: Matthias Rietschel

Earlier this month, the Second Chance Pet Adoption League hosted an adoption ad by Tyfanee Fortuna for a two-year-old chihuahua named Prancer. The listing plainly stated that his new guardians would have to be okay with bringing “neurotic, man hating, animal hating, children hating dogs that look like gremlins” into their homes if they wanted to put in an application. Fortuna’s write-up, which speculated that Prancer “is not a real dog, but more like a vessel for a traumatized Victorian child that now haunts our home,” has now fulfilled its purpose. The “Chucky doll in a dog’s body” has been adopted.

USA Today spoke to Ariel Davis, the Connecticut woman who’s decided to risk life, limb, and eternal soul to bring Prancer into her home. After reading Fortuna’s ad and seeing a bit of one of her old dogs’ personalities in him, Davis applied. She says she’s “a perfect match” for the angry, man, child, and fellow animal hating beast because she’s “a single lesbian [who lives] with another woman,” doesn’t “have any men in [her] life” or “any other animals,” and works “in a women’s rehab.”

“Prancer took pretty well to me,” Davis says of her first meeting with the dread chihuahua. “He went home with me that day. He was a perfect little gentleman in the car.”

Now that she’s had him for a week and he’s had a chance to adjust, Davis says Prancer “really is a sweet and loving dog,” and behaved himself well when he was brought to her work so her colleagues could say “hello and [give] him a little pet and [meet] the celebrity.”

Prancer’s new owner has also started an Instagram account for the pint-sized demon that documents the creature’s second act. Davis says “he’s no Grumpy Cat” and “that it is important for him to live a normal lifestyle” so she’ll only maintain the account for as long as it doesn’t interfere with Prancer’s new life. You can check that out over here.

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