President Obama has some advice—and jokes—for Kanye West

President Obama has some advice—and jokes—for Kanye West

According to Variety, President Barack Obama gave some humorous advice to (future) presidential hopeful Kanye West while quipping for money on behalf of the Democratic National Committee in San Francisco on Saturday. He suggested a more fitting position for Kanye—Speaker Of The House—before saying “It couldn’t get any stranger.” By “it,” he presumably meant the current state of the world, in which a music mogul announces a bid for the highest office in the land while accepting—well, not the highest award in the land, but at least it has an astronaut.

The President then made a crack about Kanye referring to the presidency as “peezy” before citing one of West’s album titles.

“You’ve got to deal with strange characters who behave as if they are on a reality TV show. Saying you have a beautiful dark twisted fantasy— that’s what’s known as off-message in politics. You can’t say something like that. There are a lot of people who have lost their congressional seats saying things like that.”

President Obama went on (“but only because I let him,” Kanye probably thought), asking West if he really thinks “a black guy from the south side of Chicago with a funny name”—albeit one with a Nas flow—could be elected president. Kanye’s response to the ribbing remains unknown, possibly because he currently isn’t being “allowed” to lecture the President. You can watch video of the President’s fundraiser standup below.

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