Press Release Of The Day

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On behalf of Palm Pictures, it's my pleasure to introduce The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things. Written and directed by Asia Argento, THIDAAT is the cinematic adaptation of the memoirs of author JT LeRoy. In light of the recent unmasking of LeRoy's true identity, as well as the events surrounding James Frey and A Million Little Pieces, THIDAAT is a particularly relevant work to the celebrity-crazed culture in which we live. J.T. LeRoy is the ultimate pop-culture creation and THIDAAT is the chronicle of who this "man" is. THIDAAT is a film based on a memoir, based on a construct; if anything holds the key to how we as a society allowed this to happen, it's right there in theaters, with a cast of celebrities to tell the tale.

No really, it's not silly to be putting out a film based on an a book by a made-up author that draws from his made-up life as a teenage truck stop prostitute. It's precisely the right thing to do in our crazy, crazy times. Don't you get it? Also, Marilyn Manson's in it. See? It's not just relevant, it's super-relevant!

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