Pride And Prejudice 2005 + Onion headlines = one totally endearing meme

Some of the best memes out there are the ones that make absolutely no sense. Take, for instance, “Pride And Prejudice 2005 + Onion Headlines.” Created by author and blogger KC Kahler, the three-part meme popped up on Tumblr recently and basically just consists of cropped Onion headlines strategically placed over screencaps from the Kiera Knightley, Rosamind Pike, and Matthew Macfadyen version of the classic Jane Austen tale. The results work surprisingly well, especially for those with at least a passing familiarity with the old English source material.

Kahler also recently put together a Sense And Sensibility 1995 + Onion headlines piece, which is equally weird but fairly endearing, especially if you’re into Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant.

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