Production on The Batman resumes in the U.K. following Robert Pattinson's COVID recovery

Production on The Batman resumes in the U.K. following Robert Pattinson's COVID recovery
Robert Pattinson in The Batman Photo: Warner Bros./DC Comics

Two weeks ago, we reported that production on Matt Reeves’ The Batman was shut down only a few days after the end of its coronavirus hiatus because an unnamed crew member had tested positive for COVID-19. Later that day, reports came out that the positive test came from none other than star Robert Pattinson, who is playing the Batman himself. Warner Bros. never confirmed that it was Pattinson, saying just that it wanted to protect the privacy of whoever had tested positive, but it quickly became one of those unconfirmed Hollywood rumors that everyone accepts as true—meaning that it probably was true and that everyone in show business is constantly being followed around by people who will gladly sell out their privacy in exchange for the thrill of sending in a hot tip to The Media (not that any of that is news).

Anyway, it’s been two weeks, COVID symptoms reportedly tend to last two weeks, and so now Variety says that production on The Batman has officially resumed. Warner Bros. confirmed that the movie took a hiatus “for COVID-19 quarantine precautions,” without saying what those were or if any specific actors were involved, but now filming has resumed. Variety says that work on the movie technically continued without the unnamed actor, as “some sets continued to be constructed,” though the cameras had “effectively stopped rolling.” (That seems to imply that they were still rolling a little bit, but things probably weren’t held back too badly if the hiatus was only a couple of weeks long.)

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