Production to resume on Avatar sequels in latest sign that life is anything but normal

Production to resume on Avatar sequels in latest sign that life is anything but normal
An Avatar statue in the Chinese mountains that inspired Pandora Photo: Lintao Zhang

With everything in Hollywood except reunions of TV show characters on Zoom still completely shut down, it would normally be a little reassuring to see that production was about to resume on a movie or TV show that didn’t involve people talking on a video chat—but not when the movie in question is an Avatar sequel. Production on those things has been not happening for so long that we’re actually a little more comfortable with them spinning their wheels than we are with people walking around on a set and talking about Unobtanium 2 in front of cameras, but seeing as how ridiculous everything else is in 2020, it makes a bit of absurd sense that the Avatar sequels would be among the first major studio movies to resume production. That seems to be exactly what is happening, with producer Jon Landau recently tweeting a photo from the set of Avatar 2 of some big Avatar boats along with a message about how some of the people working on the movie will be going back to the set in New Zealand “next week.”

So, pre-pandemic, every movie was getting made except for Avatar 2. Mid-pandemic, no movies are getting made except for Avatar 2. That’s some real “dogs and cats living together” stuff, right? We’ve already got the perpetually delayed Snowpiercer adaptation airing on TV and a finished version of the freakin’ Snyder Cut coming to HBO Max, do we really need to trigger more pop culture signs of the apocalypse but putting Avatar: The Way Of Water and Avatar: The Seed Bearer back into production? We’re not saying these Avatar movies should never come out, we’re just saying our little brains can only handle seeing so much stuff in just a couple months that we never thought would happen ever.

[via Deadline]

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