Pull off the near impossible, Chicago: See Sully early and for free

Pull off the near impossible, Chicago: See Sully early and for free

You think Tom Hanks gets up every morning, ready to be an American (and sometimes international) hero? No, Tom Hanks puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you do. The trick is that, in most cases, those pants have been carefully selected for him by someone in wardrobe, so that he looks every bit the part of the aforementioned hero. Hanks’ latest feat of cinematic bravery can be witnessed early next month with his portrayal of Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger in Clint Eastwood’s Sully. The film is based on Sullenberger’s autobiography, Highest Duty, which of course details that time he performed the “miracle on the Hudson.”

Sully premieres September 9, but if you just can’t wait to witness Hanks pull off the impossible, you’re in luck. There‘s a free advance screening of the movie on September 6, and The A.V. Club is prepared to hook you up with a pair of passes. All you have to do is enter your information at this link. Remember: Advance screenings are often intentionally overbooked, so be sure to arrive early if you want to secure a seat!

Here’s the IMAX trailer, the better to view co-star Aaron Eckhart’s sweet ’stache:

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