Pusheen stickers recreated with a real cat is unsettling, adorable

The internet loves cats. So much so, in fact, that talking about how much the internet loves cats has actually become a bit of a trope on the internet. Weirdly, though, the internet’s favorite cat, Pusheen, is actually just a cartoon of a cat. The chubby gray tabby of Facebook-sticker fame would never be able to shit in a litter box or barf on your shoes. Until now.

Julien Therrien—who writes for a French-Canadian humor site called Les Populaires—realized that his cat, Jackie, bore more than a passing resemblance to Pusheen. So Therrien did what any normal cat owner would do: He bought a bunch of props and spent the day posing his cat like various Pusheen stickers.

And finally, here’s a behind the scenes shot of Jackie during her Pusheen photo shoot.

Julien Therrien is a hero for these modern times.

[via Bored Panda]

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